How to Restore Health and Balance?


First, let’s talk about the reasons why we get out of balance and suffer from health issues. Here is a simple fact, science has determined that 90% of all chronic health issues can be linked to 4 primary causes:

          • chronic cellular oxidation                             • type B malnutrition
          • an imbalanced gut micro-biome               • the lack of regular exercise 

It is plain and simple that our modern diet is to blame for the majority of our chronic degenerative health issues. Diseases don’t just happen overnight, they are like time-bombs, building gradually over years until the body can no longer adapt or compensate. Don’t let your health decline and wake up one day with a blood sugar issue, blood pressure issue, or even worse, a serious event that causes a permanent impact on your quality of life.


To prevent health issues from happening, we can follow the example of people living in the Blue Zones. They eat organic, non-GMO, non-radiated fruits and vegetables that are harvested when they are ripe. They have access to grass fed meats and clean seafood, have a diet rich in fibers and micro-nutrients, only eat healthy sources of fats and have the right intake of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Sadly, when living in metropolitan areas, it is nearly impossible to eat a diet like people in the Blue Zones.

There is fortunately an easy solution to achieve and maintain cellular health. Test-Based pharmaceutical-grade supplements give our bodies what they need to stay healthy, energized, and reduce premature and chronic degeneration. These carefully-crafted food supplements reproduce the health benefits seen in the “Blue Zones” and provide the key essential nutrients to restore and promote vibrant health.


A synergistic formulation to address today’s health challenges

• To restore cellular integrity and absorption, we use an Omega 3 Supplement combining only 3 simple high quality ingredients: an ultra-pure Icelandic-made fish oil; a cold-pressed olive oil rich in polyphenols, powerful antioxidants known to deliver the Omega 3s fatty acids into the cells and cell membranes; and Vitamin D3 to boost immunity. This Balance oil+ is tested and proven to reduce oxidative stress and help cellular functions.

To provide cellular nourishment, we have an excellent Multi-Immune Food Supplement composed of 23 vitamins, essential trace elements, micro & phytonutrients, and the incredible immune boosting support of 1,3/1,6 beta glucans.

  To balance our gut micro-biome, we deliver Prebiotic fibers to the friendly bacteria living in your gut. Feeding the right colonies of bacteria will restore balance of the micro-biome of our gut and considerably help bowel function.

The Balance Oil+ & Balance Test Concept

Our Scientific Test-Based Approach Works. The Balance Oil+ concept is a complete test-based and weight-based dosage approach. A simple in-home blood test sent to an independent laboratory will provide key measurements on your fatty acid health status. No more guessing on your Omega-3 intake. Two tests are provided; the first when you begin, the second test is performed 4 months later to show your achievements in balancing your body at the cellular level. After 120 days of consuming the BALANCE OIL+, 95% of people test “in balance”, with a 3:1 or lower ratio.